someone asked for the meaning of a word here.. again. in a hit of fopeless rage, I penned a post saying that with the simple creation of a "button" you (<<generic>) can have OneLook (which indexes 992 online dictionaries (including MWCD, AHD, Cambridge, Wikipedia, Webster's (1828), and a few others) at your fingertip for any of that sort of lookup.

creating a "button" for your toolbar gives you even quicker access to a website than a "bookmark" or a "Favorite".

for a topical example, I clicked my OneLook button and plugged "VSOP" into the lookup box, took the first available "hit" and got this, from the Compact OED:

abbreviation Very Special Old Pale, a kind of brandy

(according to the parallel VSOP thread, that's not quite right)

TMI?? (see Netlingo, via onelook)