Pebble in the stream
Lava flowing on the hill
Our words change slowly
Frothing surf atop the waves
The tide comes and the tide goes

Words are given thoughts
which may melt old rocks and clog
streams which feed the seas
Seven seas brim too slowly
Attentuate too swiftly

Sea eels verb each noun
So what if fish tell lies, Yang?
Seals live on white lies, Yen.
Slippery tongues obfuscate
The truth and lie in all hues

Pure truth absent hue
Lie enfolds germ - tainted truth
Waves pound shore, cleanse truth.
Truth's diamond never corrodes
But refracts to each their hue.

Flood cedes, growth anew
Diamond of truth commands view
Wisdom pores, like dew.
Dewdrops catch morn’s light - reflects
And grows a new sun’s image

Deep within earth's bosom life
Begins. Joy! Sunrise!
What urge, beauty? Seed divine.