I'll watch it Worldend, I'll watch it Wednesday because of your recommendation. But I'll watch it as a snob, as a groupie, as a buffie, who is fascinated by the portent and symbolism and reality of this most grandest Coming Attraction ever in the course of human events. Drop an a-bomb on London, a few on China, then go pee in the Ocean. A tsunami is a footnote, a hurricane is a pleasant tropical breeze, no folks, here we talk about big events, stupendous events, of a mindless nature that makes the social and physical structures of man-so-unkind as flimsy as a flim-flam man selling ole time religion.

No, no one knows for sure what triggers an Ice age. But what we do know is they come in increments of about 100,000 years with brief 10,000 year interludes of warm weather as we have today. And lo, the last Ice age has been over for 10,000 years and we are long overdue for another.
But that is not the bad news. The bad news is that when it comes. it comes in a hurry.

Sir Fred Hoyle believed that it took only about 100 years for an Ice Age to become firmly entrenched. But woe be it to those who are alive during that hundred years of transition. Tornadoes never imagined or seen by modern man, hurricanes almost supernatural in their blow, unrelenting rains and great floods meters beyond the ankle dips that we experience today; this is our future for the first 100 years and then, after all that, it gets cold. Very cold.

It is small wonder that most politicians and atheists and scientists proclaim man and his little tinkerings to be a prime cause of the Ice Age Holocaust that awaits ahead.
Their needs are paramount. They must hold a firm grip on their silly belief that man is the sum and total of all things that happen on this world, otherwise, if nature can be said to rule, they lose control of the thoughts and minds of their fellow man.
Because man, most primitive and wise, will turn straight to God.

And now turn your hymnals to page 242...and together let us sing...Yes! We will Gather at the River.
