The ART of the FOUNDER
Cover story, Pacific Northwest Magazine
Seattle Times, January 23, 2005

Plenty of bigger and fancier foundries are around, even in nearby Walla Walla and Joseph, Ore. Most are more organized and heralded than this one. Northwest Art Casting does not advertise and doesn't even have a Web site. Yet artists from Seattle and across the country find it, looking for workmanship, a good deal and help.

In some ways, Umapine is a fitting place for "lost wax" bronze casting, one of the oldest of metallurgical arts and a process that has changed little in four or five centuries. Artists from ancient Mesopotamia to the Han Dynasty of China used the method to create emblems and monuments to marvel and worship. Benvenuto Cellini used lost wax to cast Perseus and the Head of Medusa, an almost four-ton statue in Florence.