I love it when you come up with those technical terms, Father!

I'm not surprised he has this gift, Nancyk.

The clapper is known as "the tongue of the bell". Perhaps Father Steve has been blessed by the Holy Ghost. :)

Acts 2:1-11 V4
And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Comment from Bible Studies website [link below]:

"The Holy Spirit gave them the words to say, they did not have to think of what to say. Here they are filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak other languages that they did not know how to speak before. An example would be some one that could only speak English now with the Holy Spirit could also speak Japanese."


No-one has ever accused Father Steve of Babeling, Nancyk. :)


Mrs. Coot has no idea what she started here. :)