How about bell founder?

That would be good, Faldage.

One of the "Quick Definitions" for "founder" in OneLook is:

noun: a worker who makes metal castings

Or, how about bellcaster which is one word. We've got sportscasters. Why not bellcasters?

I think Mrs. Coot is ringing our bell, don't you? :)

I think Mrs. Coot is snoot tootin' a new horn. :)

[But I don't mind. I learned a lot of stuff about the "Liberty Bell" I didn't know before. Hope someone else finds some of it interesting too. :)

Reminds me of when I was a Boy Scout. We used to send rookies on "Scavenger Hunts" looking for "sky hooks" and "left-handed monkey wrenches" and such. It was just harmless fun. Just like Mrs. Coot. :) ]