re bowling lane gutters

Thanks, musick. Now I know where "guttural" comes from.

It's that sound that escapes from a bowler when he's just blown his lead in the gutter.

It's the same sound you hear from a golfer when he's just scorched a worm-burner into the pond in front of the Ladie's Tee. Is that embarrassing or what -- especially with all the ladies watching.

I've scorched a few worm-burners in front of the ladies around here, but you can't hear my guttural noises over the Internet. That's probably a good thing. I'm sure the ladies think so.

But ladies make guttural noises too. Have you listened to the top lady tennis players lately?* They put everything they've got behind those backhands. I'd hate to be on the receiving end of one of those blasts, musick, wouldn't you?

Well, actually those blasts are more like grunts because they come from the gut, not the back of the throat.

Is this getting confusing, musick? It is for me.

Serena, Davenport reach Australian final
American women to play for Grand Slam title tonight
posted Friday, January 28, 2005

* The intensity of Sharapova's shrieks and Williams' grunts increased with nearly every point down the stretch. Both players showed jitters at times, and both also hit some great shots under pressure.