In a gross display of thoughtlessness, I will resurrect this thread that died in indignity nearly two months ago, before I was but a wee stranger on the board. I'd like to help clarify some of this milliner/hatter and tailor/seamstress business.

I've never thought of any distinction between a milliner and a hatter, although as mentioned previously by of troy, it may have something to do with the materials employed to affect the end product. But as for tailor vs. seamstress, there is indeed a strong distinction between the two terms, as "seamstress" (or her y-chromosomal counterpart, the "seamster", at least in my world) merely requires a skill-base in sewing. To achieve "tailor"-hood means an understanding of the effective draping of flat fabric, governed by grain, nap, pile, warp, and weft, upon the 3-dimensional human form. That is to say, a seamstress can't necessarily make a tuxedo jacket.

I rose through the ranks of the costume shop at the Santa Fe Opera, and believe me, there are more job distinctions than you would have ever thought possible!