You couldn't pay me to drink out of lead pipes
Nor I but i like my cast iron waste pipes to be well sealed-- packed with oakum and a lead joint.. and old pipes sometime had a wiped lead joint where the trap met the stack. (Unlike some cities, NY has never suffered a major fire, or war, or flood, and there are many, many old building about. There are a whole host of term to define them, old Law tenement {before 1890}, new law tenement{up to about 1920's}, prewar{before WWII}, modern {Post WWII}. These terms just cover residental buildings.)
The Mad Hatter-- but is a hatter the same as milliner?--I didn't say it, but it was a woman talking, she was lamenting a lack of good hats, and not being able to find a hat maker to make her a custom one..
I am wonder about Hatter/milliner. Is it like taylor and seamstress? different terms for the same skill depending on the sex--gender- of the person employed to do the job?

The obe "archaic" trade that exists here now only in surnames would seem to be fletcher, as we still have smiths and farriers..

Well we still have farriers-- there are enough horses around. I even suggested it as career to my daughter when she was in her horse loving phase.. there is a school for farriers in kentucky-- which as Jackie once (in a long ago thread)pointed out, is the very heart of horse country in US--not that NY is far behind.. I am only a few miles from "run for Roses"-- the third leg of the triple crown of american horse racing that starts down Jackie's way.
There are no smiths-- sky scrapers have iron workers. which is very different trade.
But what is a fletcher?