Jackie, what is a grub worm? And I admire your imagination, as I would never even try to imagine the taste of anything like that.

Mav, I'm with you, Marmite is much better than Vegemite. As a Brit living in Oz I have managed to convert my Australian husband - unfortunately, as I now have to order double the stocks from overseas! (You can get Marmite here but it is made by a different company and does not taste the same. )
I remember a very sad lunch party where after several bottles of wine we ended up getting the Marmite and Vegemite jars out of the kitchen and comparing ingredients. My taste buds justified by the larger quantity of folate in Marmite - clearly a much healthier food as well as better tasting!
...a satisfying use of Marmite is to offer it to your Japanese colleagues when, for the fiftieth day running, they have expressed admiration at your ability to use chopsticks. And to tell them, in all innocence, that it is chocolate paste...

And as for peanut butter and jelly:
- don't y'all over there in the States mean what we call jam when you say jelly?
- by the bye, please explain the distinction on your side of the pond between jam and jelly. Where I grew up, jelly is (was?) a dessert - basically a clear, fruit-flavoured blancmange, presumably derived from the gelatin which made it set, whereas jam is fruit and suger boiled down to a gloopy sweet mass and usually eaten spread on bread or baked in pastry cases.
- peanuts! Wonderful things! Not denigrating them at all, just disturbed by their pollution with jelly. Or with jam. Why cover such a delicious savoury and nutritious snack in sugar???
- heard an interesting session on the radio recently - apparently one main reason that nut allergy is rising is that roasted nuts are now roasted at a higher temperature / for longer and this brings out different / higher concentration of various compounds in them. As a result rising allergy occurences, some schools in Australia are seeking to make their schools completely 'peanut-butter-free', and even to avoid feeding kids peanut butter for breakfast before school. Yeeargh! It was bad enough when the airlines stopped serving nuts, but if they are to disappear from schools and breakfasts entirely...