the image which springs to mind of an elegant lady having a facial with slabs of watermelon over her eyes rather than cucumber slices is rather appealing!

What is it about cucumbers, I wonder?

There are "cucumber facials" and "cucumber cleansers". Here's a recipe for a "cucumber facial mask".

Cucumber Facial Mask
1 tbsp instant nonfat dry milk
1/2 peeled cucumber
1 tsp plain yogurt

Put all ingredients into a blender and mix well until smooth. Apply to your face (avoid your eyes). Leave on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse off. Mix a fresh batch for each use.

Here's something you can do with a watermelon you can't do with a cucumber, Bridget. You can spit the seeds across the room. The world record is 68 feet, 9 1/8 inches.

Some folks like to eat the seeds. Others like to spit 'em out (the world record is 68 feet, 9 1/8 inches). Still others prefer their watermelon with hardly any seed at all—the recent triploid introductions. But one thing unites them in their diversity: love of watermelon. What a potent symbol for our age! Or at least for summertime, when everything seems good and right in the world.

And there is even a watermelon-vinaigrette dressing. Father Steve might be interested in that.