"When everyone knows good as good, this is not good."

Reminds me of an old maxim in the stock market. When everyone is convinced that a stock can go nowhere but up, it can go nowhere but down. This is because there are no buyers left. Classic market tops are made on climactic volume. I guess the same thing applies with "cool", Aorto. When everyone thinks it's "cool", it isn't "cool" any more.

There is a legend that Joe Kennedy, father of John F. et al, sold all his stocks before the stock market crash in 1929 when the shoe-shine boy gave him a tip in the high-flying stock market of that time.

Joe Kennedy was as cool as a cucumber. Which makes me wonder why a cucumber got picked for this distinction. Why not a watermelon? A watermelon is a lot cooler than a cucumber on a hot day.

re "'Cool' is nothing but a target market." True, but it's a moving target. And when it stops moving it ends up at Target. :)