posted on behalf of Dr. Bill [wwh]:

Cool. An interesting word, much overused.
PBS had a couple hours by Arthur Clark(not positive of
first name) about an small Italian duchy about in middle
of Adriatic coast, that he said had the most advanced
civiliztion that ever existed. In ten volume "Story of
Civiliation" by Will Durant, he tells how in their
tournament, the highest honors went to contestant who
won with least exertion. This seems to me the earliest
record of the concept of 'cool'.
But 'cool' can have a price. My younger brother started
smoking in imitation of a cousin who was 'cool' and smoked
with elegant manners.
Now my brother is unable to walk up a flight of stairs
because of COPD - chronic obstructive pulmanary disease.
A high price to pay for appearing 'cool'.