of course you can make up words..

whether they catch on, and join the lexis, is something else..

In our family kids don't scribble-scrabble (oops that should be in tsuwm thread on sing song words) they make toy script.

this confused my daughters boyfriend.. he knew my son was a programmer and know some of his perl scripts (shareware that my son has posted) when i spoke of toy script, he wonder for a moment if my granddaughter was some sort of genius.. and writing script already.

eventually he realized 'script' =cursive writing

i think toy script is a great name for the attempts at writing that kids do.. but the rest of the world has failed to see the wisdom of my term.

anyone can make up a word.. its getting the rest of the world to use your word that is the hard part. (oh, and your teachers might red line the word, too)