dear Milo,
In no way did I advocate the teachings of Herbert Marcuse here. Nor do I believe anything that Ayn Rand put on paper. I still have some scribblings of both of these writers because they come in handy for moments like these; to wit, discussions about words.

as to why I came to possess books by either of them, when I was but a callow youth we were encouraged to read everything. Does our "culture" frown on this now?!
The extract of Marcuse I posted above was given as backgound for the word desublimation, and to show the parallels to the theme which has grown out of the original premise of this thread. Please take up your crusades with other parties if you must; but once again you bring your politics into these forums when we have repeatedly, since their inception, asked people to keep religion and politics for other venues which encourage them.
It's quite true that you can glean much of a person's philosophy by what he posts here; but you should not expect others to submit tacitly or passively to the manifest proselytizing of your own.
best regards,