earlier in this thread I was going to add a post saying that this issue has bothered me for "donkey's years."

no, that doesn't look right; let me try again: earlier in this thread I was going to add a post saying that this issue has bothered me for "donkey's years."

well d'oh!. I just cut and pasted that simple sentence into a more complex one, without changing a bloody(!) thing.

here, I'll just quote myself; that should help: "earlier in this thread I was going to add a post saying that this issue has bothered me for "donkey's years."". there.

now that was just silly; here: earlier in this thread I was going to add a post saying "this issue has bothered me for "donkey's years".".

anyway, like I was saying (typing -- no, keyboarding -- is what i *really mean to say.. er.. keyboard), "earlier in this thread I was going to add a post...". [notice how I deftly sidestepped putting "saying" in there again]? but, in the event, I resisted, fearing that it would be perceived that I didn't know that of which I spoke [drat!]!

so, having waited a bit, I -- the effable I, that is, -- feel satisdicted.