I just had a request by PM about the characteristics of rosettes. I understand that even some invertebrates are identified by their rosettes.

The guinea pig rosette is the little swirl of hair you see on its forehead.

The jaguar rosette, also found on the leopard, is the circle of spots that look rose-like. The jaguar rosette is distinguished from that of the leopard by the central spot that is most often not there in the leopard, although the spot is often not in all of the jaguar's rosettes.

I have *spotted photographs of so-called *leopards on the internet that I knew weren't because of the preponderance of central spots in the rosettes. I knew I was looking at a jaguar instead.

These fine points of distinctive features really do make animal-watching fun, and I sure as heck would love to find a website devoted to such knowledge for the general observer.