If this is your output, I think
When your talent is driven to drink
Then drink, snoot, drink
But be sure not to drink
Yourself dry, or else it'll stink.

I'm tootin' your alehorn too, snoot.*

As themilum would say:

"That limerick has a head on it like a Pabst Blue Ribbon beer." :)

And themilum is the judge, doncha know:

Ah so, Owlbow, I have insinuated myself into being the sole judge and jury of the limericks, doggerel, and poems, posted on this thread.

* It'd be a hoot to go on a toot with snoot.

A snootful of Pabst and a rhyme
Who could ask for a better damn time!
Let's bring themilum to root*
And we'll have a rootin', tootin', snootin', good time.

* 'Cause
Will judgem
Cum laudem.