limericks certainly have a place here.. i know i have posted hundreds over the years. and NO not all of them were in word play and fun, (tho most were!) some were were in miscellany too)

what i didn't do was post a limerick or couplet, and then quote it, and post another limerrich or couplet (or sextet or what ever) QUOTING my limerick or what ever, commenting in effect how witty it was, followed by more limericks and couplets about how witty my comment are about my limerick. who needs or wants to read whole thread devoted to marginal at best 'bon mots', followed by post after post of self praise of the marginal bon mots.

god knows i am not the most self assured person, and i love praise and feedback as much as the next person. and do acknowledge my skills publicly (false modesty is not something i known for!).

but continuously, relentlessly, thread that become filled posts filled with plutarch commenting on the cleverness of plutarchs comments are a waste of time.

they have nothing to do with words, or work meaning (and how meaning have shifted), and continue to shift with time, or with word origins.

just as annoying are thread filled with comments made by plutarch and his many sock puppets, in praise of plutarch and his many sock puppets.

a normal person might be fooled (for a few posts) but what is the thread like 'confessions of hieress' but the public example of the exersize of an oversized ego.
the thread isn't remotely about words. and its not remotely a diaglog.

the cry of 'LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME' is tedious from children, (even your own children) after a while. i don't come here to be bombarded with such cries.

Plutarck you have bragged about your ability to drive away posters (no doubt you see this a more bandwidth for your exclusive use) AND at the same time ATTACKED others and complained they were driving away others (with no proof).

go away.