At least you got the context, PS. It was quite intentional.I didn't doubt it for a second.
BTW, I love the play on words in your handle ...
Oh, you are too kind.
Actually I've been waiting to debut Phyllis somewhere appropriate for years now; I can't believe my luck in finding the perfect party to introduce my ingenue to the world.
Wsieber wrote;
To me, the confusion lies in the weaving rather than the sewingI'm not sure who first used "threads" in the context of electronic notice boards. But its origins probably aren't interesting since the metaphor isn't strikingly original or clever. But with all this talk of sewing and weaving it occurred to me that there is another allusion which probably wasn't thought of at the time but is even more appropriate: lace-making! All those bobbins of thread intricately intertwined to make a fine and filigreed, sophisticated fabric. Or an unholy mess if you get your bobbins mixed up.