Yes, yes, yes! (to Faldage and his discourse on the rules..)
Who own English? The hoi polloi in the universities� the writers of grammar books? The high and mighty of the OED?
Or we, the humble speakers� with all our faults? The answer is clear to me.
I own English! And like Shakespeare, I reserve the right to make up words� if there is no word for an idea of mine, well there should be.. Who out there is less than Shakespeare? Was he not a man? Would he be as revered if he has just stuck to the common words, and common phrases, and had not enriched English as he has done?
You own English� Please be my guest and do your best to make your thoughts known, and if there is no word -yet-for what you are thinking� then think up a new one!
Its not that I don't value all the existing words, but I don't see today's lexis as- it- something carved in stone � and to be fair, the high and mighty of the OED agree with me, or why else a new edition? If all the words that to are to be-were then we wouldn't need to be asked and we have been, by the OED, to follow on Dr. Major's footsteps, and provide material for the new OED.
and if i can make up words, why can't i make the rules up too?
Yes- it chaos-- glorious chaos.. moving into math and bordering on philosophy-- chaos is the best place to be. it's were change is still happening-- where things are more like living creatures..
languages die when the rules are more important than the speakers..