"rump poem" - "brilliant, but low genius"Thanks for the 'half-ass' compliment, themilum.

I guess that makes me the butt of praise.

re "Get it?". Yes, I do get it. Some very penetrating insights there.
The peloton is a very useful model for explaining a lot of things.
The peleton exists solely for the purpose of solidifying and protecting the advantage of those who have claimed the lead.
Canadian Geese fly in a "V" rather than a peloton because their motives are less complicated than ours. They are only focused on arriving at their destination as effortlessly as possible.
Geese flying in formation have no strategies or even interest in fending off a Goose, flying outside the formation, from arriving at the destination before they do.
There is food and sunshine enough for all when they get there, regardless of which Goose or which formation arrives first.
Would that life was so sweetly simple and intelligent for us humans.
We fight for territory even when there is a surplus of territory for everyone.
How often, for instance, do we turn territory into terrortory?
The peleton is a rare bird unknown to birds.