Such beauty lies in the mind of the beholder, musick.If you insist.
For myself, I would say "birth" or "laughter" or "sunset" because of memories which I associate with these particular words....
Beautiful is what these things are, but they are not "beautiful" apart from my experience of them.
It occurs to me that the words we choose as the "most beautiful" are a mirror into our very soul.We all experience things based upon "within the course of personal, human events", and even if a majority consensus can be reached, it cannot truthfully/accurately define beauty. I believe we'd all be alot better off if it was that easy... yet rather bored. Of course the concept is a purely subjective one, but when the subject is presented as a mirror, one must present the shape of the mirror as subjective, as well. I've not experienced "birth" (other than my own) but I'd agree, it is a beautiful thing... but I base that on the befores and afters. Laughter
can be beautiful but when occurring with a certain deviousness... not so beautiful (per se) anymore... and "sunsets".... OK, you got me there!

I could say that your choice of "birth", "laughter" and "sunset" as beautiful things reflect a soul that is "death", "sorrow" and "sunrise" but I know not enough about the person that is you to make any *sense of it.
Is the beholder, then, solely responsible for beauty, or does it take at least one other to acknowlege *it?