The original plan was that we would travel to the riverside home of my in-laws where my mother-in-law would prepare the turkey and many of the fixings and we would contribute a few minor parts of the meal, e.g. my world-famous pumpkin creme brule. Then she threw her back out and the new plan is that we will leave home at oh-dark-thirty on Thanksgiving Day in order to get to the homestead in time for me to do all of the cooking for the family which will gather later that afternoon. As willing as I am to do this, I drew the line at my mother-in-law's knives and insisted that my sweet bride allow me to take my own. She countered that her mom might be offended but then struck upon what seemed the perfect plan: she will tell her mom that I am an old fuss-budget about knives and insist on having my own.

I understand what she means by "fuss-budget" but what a curious word. One wonders from whence it came.