Rules? We don't need no steenking . . ..

Actually, for the new people I guess I should have explained it.

The hogmaster puts out a word, hopefully a very obscure word, and the contestants send a private message to the hogmaster with a supposed definition. It is considered very bad form to hunt for the word and send in the correct definition.

Then when allthe entries are in the hogmaster publishes them, along with the real definition, and people vote for the correct definition. The hogmaster does not reveal the names of the entrants, of course.

At one time we gave points to people who got votes for their definitions, except for those who vote for their own. Extra points to the person who got the most votes, I think, and then a point for voting for the correct definition.

The last time I ran hogwash, the word I put out was sedgwick, and it was found only in one very obscure place. No one got the correct definition, as I recall.

Another time, I submitted an entry which was actually way too close to the true definition for the taste of the hogmaster; can't remember how that was resolved, and I was more amazed than the hogmaster that I had gotten that close.

Anyway, the word is "somnae", and there are only a few days left to get those definitions in to me. Remember, PM the daft definition. I've already got some really good ones, and I am looking forward to the voting phase.



We used to actually keep a running score, but that was a LONG time ago and I assume we stopped doing it because it became too much hassle. And of course the only real rule is that the hogmaster rules.
