If I had known the scholarly qualifications of those who post here, I would probably never have posted anything but an occasional question, but after having rushed in where linguophiles tread, I was welcomed and enjoy the board more all the time.
My early errors were ignored or corrected kindly, and if I've expressed a misguided thought or two I've never felt that I was slapped on the hand and told to go sit in the corner! I love the diversities and common interests to be found here, and enjoy sharing the questions and oddities that we all come up with.(Iknow, dangler--with which we all come up? No way around it!)
If a thread gets tangled with animosities and angers, I don't feel obligated to read all that or stir it up. I've had a couple of private posts that I really appreciate, I just don't spend enough time on mail, e- or snail.
My complaint about AWADT is that it probably should have a warning label--"May be addictive!"
Thanks for letting me look in, and especially for "talking"
with me!