I've been around this board for more than 3 1/2 years, including through the unpleasantness mentioned above. I'm not a frequent poster, but I've always felt every bit as welcome and part of the board as others who've posted in the thousands.

Jackie said at the beginning of this thread My hoped-for outcome is that feelings will become unruffled and that the number of complaints/allusions will drop. I'm appalled that some of you have used it instead to dredge up the specifics of a time we'd all prefer had never happened. What good is served by rehashing the details - whether accurately or inaccurately remembered? I don't want to speak for Jackie, but I'm fairly certain that was never her intention.

Give it a rest, people. Ignore whomever you have to ignore in order to keep enjoying AWAD. If that's beyond your abilities, vent via PM, not in public.