> Then one day a poster named Max called Keiva a "jew-baby"

A correction is in order here. I called Keiva many things, all epithets I felt, and still feel, he deserved, based on his character as displayed here. I NEVER used racial slurs of any kind . The very idea is repugnant to me, as those who know me would attest. Think of me what you will, Milo, but please, at least do me the courtesy of getting your facts straight before vilifying me.

And, thanks for making me smile with this surreal frippery:
In reply to:

"if a clique of regular Awad posters still have a separate board where they continue to conspire to act collectively with regards to matters pertinent to Awad,"

The above sounds like something out of The Da Vinci code. Yes, some who made real friendships here "meet" elsewhere, to talk about all sorts of things: Shoes and ships and sealing wax, cabbages and kings, why the sea is boiling hot and whether pigs have wings. Fewer than 1% of all the posts there are about AWAD, and none are part of a conspiracy to act collectively here. Given the wide range of views expressed among those friends, and the forceful nature of the disagreements voiced, the very idea of a unified cabal is laughable. So, for publicly expressing such risible nonsense, I thank you. Yours civilly,
