I've been here for just over three years--my word, has it been that long??!! When life in the real world presses me and I don't have time to check in here, I miss the board. Technically, I'm a carpel, but that's just because I type fast, think fast, make lots of mistakes because I don't edit, and sometimes have to pay for not having done so.

But this is the place to discuss the language. I have a link posted on my educational web page, and I encourage my students to come here if they have questions about language.

I think AWAD is fun and that newcomers are welcome. It's gratifying that some people decide that what we discuss is worth sticking with. Most leave. But I don't think they leave because they've been bullied, but because they're not interested in the topics and don't have topics that they think would be discussed. However, most topics I've read have been discussed to some degree. Admission: I do not read every thread because some threads don't hold any interest for me. But if others enjoy those threads, terrific.

The only problem I see here is when sweeping, categorical statements and criticisms are cast by people who somehow believe that the regular posters are against those who make appearances. Perhaps some people need to have a fight to fight even when among people who simply enjoy writing about the language. I see absolutely no need to join in a fight that shouldn't have begun in the first place. If people want to argue, cast stones at groups of people, accuse groups of people of bullying others, such people should find a board in which accusations are enjoyed and desired. I believe that this is largely of group of peaceable people with very much to offer in terms of time, research, sincerity, and conviviality. Do we have our bad days? Yeah, sure. Who doesn't. But the bad moods aren't the regular feature--they're just the reflection of the fact that we are real human beings behind the words, and, as real human beings, we're going to have those days we're in lousy moods. Or overly sensitive ones. But those moods are short-lived.

Words. Language. Puzzles. Jokes. Questions. Answers. Possibilities, if not answers. Shared information. Generosity.

Those of some of the elements of AWAD that draw repeat visitors to this place. And I'm thankful that those elements have remained fairly constant in the three years I've been here.

Peace to all,