Yes and no. I think that when new people come here, they see a group of people who already know each other and seem to be at ease with each other. They may even have met with each other and perhaps share some small bond which might affect their postings in some unintentional way and which is detected by newcomers.

Does this constitute a clique? I'm not sure. But this is the way it works - not just here, but everywhere - on the net or off. Newcomers will always be at a disadvantage. The standing 'clique' can try to make them feel welcome. But everyone has to make some effort to socialize, if they want to develop successful relationships here. And everyone has to make some effort to not take offense - or give it.

One other thing - I know it's a cliche, but it's true. Things aren't always what they seem. Sometimes people can seem to be getting along and then BANG - there's turmoil for reasons that you don't understand. Something that helps me is just asking myself this question, "How would my image of an adult behave in this circumstance?"
