ok, so i have a logic question--

its a sort of the "do you still beat your wife?" deal.

you know, if you answer the question, NO, it implies you used to beat your wife, and if you answer YES well its worse!

what are these cleverly worded argruements called?

there are some who ACCUSE (damn, complain, etc) that older members suffer from group think. (the older members are identifed as Carpels--from the stupid title the soft ware assigns)

If you disagree with the accuser, he claims you are part of the old timers cabal, and part of the 'group' he is accusing of group think. (agreeing with him is worse!)

so what is the term for a logical falicy?

how do i say, NO, i don't beat my wife, and never did,--with out sounding defensive! when in truth --you've done nothing wrong?

as an aside, i vote for all of the above