In my area of Texas, the temperature today is 91 degrees Fahrenheit. The skies are sunny, and the only color on the plants, other than deep, summer green, is brown, due to lack of rain. Around here, autumn is a season that occurs between 1:37 p.m. and 3:13 p.m. on one random, unspecified day, between December 28th and February 16th. It happens like this: the leaves start to turn brown, but before they finish, a large gust of wind blows them off of the trees. Oh, sure, we try to pretend – fires in the fireplace when it’s 58 degrees, sweaters in the morning, sweating by afternoon – but no magical autumn for us. The closest we get to fall colors is pictures in a calendar.

Bah, Humbug!

Edit: I'm sorry; I spoke too soon: the high was 93 degrees.