sorry, I should have posted the etymology while I was at it:

[ME. a. F. payer (12th c. in Littré) to pay, in OF. also to appease, satisfy, please (so in Cotgr. 1611) = Pr., Sp., Pg. pagar, It. pagare:—L. pacare to appease, pacify, reduce to peace, in med.L. also ‘to pay’, f. pax, pac-em peace. The sense ‘pacify’, applied specifically to that of ‘pacify or satisfy a creditor’, came in Com. Romanic to mean ‘to pay a creditor’, and so ‘to pay’ generally. In some of the Romanic langs. the vb. has still both senses; but in Fr. as in Eng. the sense ‘satisfy, please’ is now obs.]