re:MYSTICRHYTHMS...the Soka Gakkai International (SGI-USA) has a strong commitment to the realization of world peace through individual happiness. The goal of a group of diverse women who belong to SGI is to form bridges into communities to share our passion for cultivating dialogues of understanding, promote tolerance, and a sharing of cultures. As a drumming group they share mystical African beats of life with the audience and invite their involvement. Pipe dream, but right up my alley.

the Soka Gakkai are the 'born again christian' sect of buddist. you don't have really learn all about buddism, you can learn about current day Soka Gakkai leaders.. all you have to do is chant, Nom Yom coe, wren gey coe(or something that sound like that.... and that's is (just as born again christians (well many sects) don't really preach jesus's message, (repent and sin no more, as well as love thy neighbor,) they just preach 'believe in jesus is christ" (and act any old way you want) and you are saved..and 'justify' killing doctors at women's health clinics, (cause the doctors are murderers..) they also steal, cheat and lie, *but they are saved, cause they believe in jesus!)

there is plenty on the soka gakkai movement on the internet, or watch a bit of "what's love got to do with it" (tina turner movie autobio) she's a soka gakkai buddist.
they are very active in getting converts to soka gakkai buddism.

i have had a few up close encounters with soka gakkai buddist... and well i think they rate right up there with amway salepeople.. but i could be wrong.