One of my students in summer session today asked, "Can we wear doo rags to school?" I said (innocently), "What's a doo rag?" and he described a silky head wrap I occasionally see adolescent boys wearing about town. (Students can't wear doo rags to school, by the way.)

Anyway, I assumed that the head attire he was describing was a 'dew rag,' but I checked to make sure. Nope. No 'dew rag.' Next, I tried 'doo rag' and found one entry in a prisoners' dictionary. Now, just in case you haven't checked out a dictionary for prisoners recently, you might benefit from taking a few ganders at this one:

It was interesting to read there that'doo rag' is a supposedly archaic term, but apparently not here on the streets of central Virginia.

Edit: Read the dictionary site with care; many terms are sexually explicit.