strictly speaking, you decant a liquid; but...

c. transf. To pour or empty out (as from or into a decanter).

1742 YOUNG Nt. Th. iii. 339 O'er our palates to decant Another vintage? 1823 Blackw. Mag. XIV. 586 He..used to have eighty pails of water decanted over him daily. 1871 M. COLLINS Mrq. & Merch. II. vi. 162 All the vegetables in the world are decanted into Covent Garden. 1915 J. BUCHAN 39 Steps vii. 171, I was decanted at Crewe..and had to wait till six to get a train for Birmingham. 1925 WODEHOUSE Carry On, Jeeves! ii. 46 The up with the baby and decanted it into a perambulator. 1959 T. S. ELIOT Elder Statesman II. 47 Let's hope this [conversation] was merely the concoction Which she decants for every newcomer.