A popular theory is that Friday the 13th got its bad rep from Friday, Oct. 13, 1307, when the forces of Philippe le Bel descended at daybreak on the houses and other properties of the Knights Templar all over France, dragged the Knights off to prison and put them in charge of the Inquisition, and seized all the Templar property they could lay their hands on. All this since Philippe had his tongue hanging out to enrich himself at the expense of the Order of the Temple with the connivance of his puppet pope, Clement V, whose election was bought by Philippe and who never went to Rome, being the first of the Avignon popes. As it turned out, they didn't get much of the Templars' fabulous wealth; either it was better hidden than he knew, or they had had some forewarning and got it out of France. One theory is that it's buried off the coast of Nova Scotia.