Welcome aBoard, shelby!

Can't help with the word you're looking for, sorry, but. Just as a point of clarification, do you mean that you're looking for the word that describes words for
concepts that can't be enlarged upon? That is, if a container is empty, then it's empty--though come to think of it, I reckon only a vaccum truly fits that! But back to the everyday world...I think I know what you mean: you can compare the contents of one container to another; but one single container cannot be empty, then emptier.
Full, though, I'm not so sure of. There's nearly full, full to the mark, full, full to the brim, and overfull, to name a few concepts I can think of. If a container looks to be full, but still can hold one more drop or one more granule, was it indeed full? And what about a Thermos bottle, or any container that has a section of the lid/cap that fits down into the container: if you fill that container to its brim, the contents are going to spill when you put the lid on. So when is that one full?
Anyway--what's a tafe teacher, please?