Alex--that was wonderful!
From Gurunet:
Fri·u·li (frç'ə-lç', frç-û'lç)

A historical region and former duchy of Italy in present-day northeast Italy and Slovenia. Occupied by the Romans in the second century B.C., it became a Lombard duchy in the sixth century A.D. and was conquered by various peoples and states before being ceded to Italy in 1866 (the western part) and 1919 (the eastern part). Eastern Friuli was awarded to Yugoslavia by treaty in 1947.

Good heavens--this is terrible, but I hadn't even realized that Slovenia is an actual country. [shame e] But:

Slo·ve·ni·a (slô-vç'nç-ə, -vçn'yə)

A country of the northwest Balkan Peninsula. In ancient times Illyrian and Celtic peoples inhabited the area, which was ruled by Rome after the first century B.C. and settled by Slavs in the sixth century A.D. Slovenia came under Austrian control after 1335 and joined the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (later Yugoslavia) in 1918. During World War II Slovenia was divided among Germany, Italy, and Hungary, but returned to Yugoslavia after the war. Slovenia declared its independence from Yugoslavia in June 1991. Ljubljana is the capital and largest city. Population: 1,930,000.