This is one of the lists in the "Schott's Original Miscellany" book I got as a present. I thought you all might like to a.) see some of these words and concepts, and b.) see how many you can match up--without looking them up. Taking a cue from wofa, I'll go ahead and post the answers in I & A. Some should be pretty obvious, and others--well, good luck!
1. observing facial features                  A. spodomancy
2. analyzing currents of water B.lampadomancy
3. studying the passage of smoke C. bletonism
4. behavior of birds D.arithmancy
5. looking into fire E.hieroscopia
6. examination of arrows F.ornithomancy
7. interpreting oil poured on water G. capnomancy
8. studying the entrails of animals H. gyromancy
9. shadows or ghosts I. pessomancy
10. examination of ashes J.anthroposcopy
11. studying bones K. augury
12. analysis of numbers L. sideromancy
13. interpretation of random (often biblical) texts)
M. sciomancy
14. becoming dizzy and falling N. geloscopy
15. looking at fountains and springs O. leconomancy
16. randomly drawing lots P. pyromancy
17. studying patterns in the flight of birds Q. osteomancy
18. observation of lights or candles R. bibliomancy
19. examining the entrails of sacrificial victims
S. belomancy
20. interpretation of laughter T. haruspicy
21. burning straw on hot iron U. pegomancy
22. analysis of pebbles V. sortilege