Thanks, amnow! Hee, hee--I love that greeting! I was on my computer very little last week: both my kids were home on spring break. (Wasn't it nice of their separate universities to coordinate that just for us?

) We had a nice time, catching up, visiting, shopping, and watching late-night movies together.
They both went back to school yesterday, but the air in the house seems to be still faintly vibrating from their in-and-out-ness, their upstairs-and-down-ness, their on-and-off-the phone-ness, etc., as though they have left echoes of themselves behind. Busy people, those two, and content to be so. I imagine that by tomorrow the air will be quiet again. This week was especially precious because we already know that our son has a job that will keep him away from home for most of the summer, and there is a chance that our daughter will do the same...sigh. I mean, I knew from the beginning, of course, that we would eventually lose them; but I wasn't expecting it to be before they got out of college.
(Oh--my b-day was nice, too. I had not one, not two, but
three b-day cakes! Got some nice gifts from the family, and allowed myself to go on a shopping spree--bought a few antique postcards, a new purse, and a movie: Same Time Next Year. Maybe I'll watch it today.)