OneLook's Word of the Day today is purlieu.

when I looked it up at M-W, the etymology surprised me, as(based upon its spelling) it seems to be a French word. (or that could just be my ignorance...)

Main Entry: pur·lieu
Pronunciation: 'p&rl-(")yü, 'p&r-(")lü
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English purlewe land severed from an English royal forest by perambulation, from Anglo-French puralé perambulation, from Old French puraler to go through, from pur- for, through + aler to go -- more at PURCHASE
1 a : an outlying or adjacent district b plural : ENVIRONS, NEIGHBORHOOD
2 a : a frequently visited place : HAUNT b plural : CONFINES, BOUNDS

how did it arrive at its current spelling?

formerly known as etaoin...