God, why do I do these things?

Because, CapK, you wish to share your deep philosphy with us all, for which I tender grateful thanks.

It is obvious, reading deeply into the touching story you have unfolded, that the whole piece is a metaphor of the psychic discontinuities engendered by, not only relocation from the land of ones birth - as has surely happened to the young Portuguese national who is your protagonist, but subsequent displacement from his chosen, or adopted, country, Spain.
This term's essay:
<<The "loss of his heart" is a lyrical substitute that recalls the pain of his loss of national habitat whilst retaining the tenderness of national identity>> Discuss.
Word limit, 1,500.
Deadline, Friday 15th Dec.

Essays handed in after the deadline will be penalised 10% per day, unless an extension has been arranged with your tutor.