Mav said: I can't agree with many of your comments here, Cap. I think the proliferation of different terms in English represents nothing more nor less than the rich cultural history of an island race that has always looked outwards - whether defensively or as trade-inspired travel.

True. But we don't unload linguistic leftovers, we simply add them to the pile on the side of the plate. How many other languages have so many words for the same thing - albeit with slight differences in meaning or usage in context? I stand by my statement and I believe I can do that without contradicting yours!

I wasn't commenting on whether this was good or bad. It is inefficient, as I said. From a technical, linguistic viewpoint. I wasn't commenting on the cultural background or beauty or otherwise of the language. It is and has all of those things. But it is inefficient!

The idiot also known as Capfka ...