I’m sitting here, looking out my window at 6” of new, very wet snow. So instead of tackling the AM commute (city bus drivers went on strike yesterday), I’m putting together the hogwash® entries for buxiferous…

choose one:

a) Exhibiting great age or maturity; said of old trees or timber showing an exceptionally high number of growth rings.

b) Of minerals, etc. bearing buxite. A type of ore in which the iron content is more that 50% oxidised. It is of little value due to the difficulty of extracting useable metal.

c) Bearing a fruit with an edible pit and inedible flesh, such as the almond.

d) Pocked and furrowed with air canals from quick cooling; esp. certain lava-formed rocks.

e) Having a fine bosom; Dolly Partonesque. "Go gently, mistress! Th'art buxiferous and, once gonfled, his passions rest not 'til his course run out." ~ Shakespeare: Merry Wives of Windsor

f) A permanently bloated state (i.e., "beer gut").

g) Bearing or producing box-trees. "Get ye all three into the box tree." ~ Shakespeare: Twelfth Night

h) Pertaining to any mineral with a cubic crystalline structure, eg NaCL (common salt)

i) A description for someone who is gnashing their teeth, usually during sleep.

j) Bearing indihiscent fruits with fleshy mesocarps and bony endocarps.

k) Having breast-shaped florets, i.e. hemispherical, with a small protuberance at the end.

l) Mythical species of tree; "Money doen't grow on trees, ya know".

m) Bearing boxes, gifts.

n) The state of being good at the art of unraveling the frayed, tangled ends on woven goods, such as towels, napkins, and rugs.

o) Performing a ritual mating display, showy.

p) Pertaining to clothing (usually) that is reminiscent of the armour worn by the female warriors in the Ring cycle.

q) Arising from the dark arts, derived from bexom, bezom plus -ferous, literally broom-riding.

1) many irregularities, many armilaries; more on this later
2) many entries, some rookies (see 1)
3) entries from [drawing big breath] etaoin, consuelo, RC, Ted, jheem, vanguard, Faldage, wofa, Wordwind, Jackie, Spareye, shanks, music, Zed, dxb, WO’N, Bingley, Asp, and the usual gang of idiots
4) no additional entry from the moderator; I’ve done quite enough..
5) the discerning will note that the list of entries numbers 19 and there are but 17 def’ns. (see 1)
6) three(3) original entries were rejected and resubmissions were solicited (see 1 and 2)
7) capitalization, punctuation (forgive me; it was the easier route this time) [I hope I removed all of the tags, having nearly left musick's..]