> very, very pure

Got me to a T

and yeah, 'pure' Pom = born in Africa, raised in Kent, vowel disorder at boarding school, living in Wales...

of which indigenous language I should point out that there are enormous differences of not only accent but also wider regional variants that make parts of the language have some legitimate claim to being separate idiom. When a Welsh person is speaking English, there are several notabe kinds of patterns of accent and also imported lexical features, such as the indefinite interrogative - typical example: "She's a pretty ewe, isn't it!" This is a feature shared with some other Celtic languages including Irish, IIRC.

As for Oz having a whole day to itself, CK, I am reminded of the song by Tom Lehrer (with apologies!):
On Ozzie Day you can't get sore,
Your fellow man you must adore,
There's time to rob him all the more
The other three hundred and sixty-four.
