Re: hyena lacuna checklist marvel. "Could someone provide the story please?"

I know it sounds like a lipstick, but it actually makes some kind of sense.

Anatomically, a "lacuna" is "an empty space or a missing part".

Metaphorically, "lacuna" is missing grey matter, or simply "ignorance".

"Hyena" rhymes with "lacuna" but it also conjures up "laughing hyena".

Hyenas don't actually laugh. They are too empty-handed to laugh. And some people lacking in grey matter have more in common with hyenas than their laugh.

Hence, "hyena lacuna".

It is not a compliment.

The term "hyena lacuna" may spring to mind the next time someone sends you a reply beginning "LOL", particularly if you haven't said anything funny.

"checklist marvel" is just some archive somewhere, I suspect.