Why, thank you, Ms. maahey; much appreciated! Christmas should be a time of peace and giving, and well, holiness. It is hol(y)day, after all. Those* who look upon it as merely a time to be off work and party--well, that's their choice, and I'm glad it isn't mine. It is also a time to, as you did in your post, count my blessings; but then 'most any time is that, for me.
*I am not speaking here of those who practice other religions.
Our family had a good Christmas, despite 2 of us being sick. Everybody got things they really liked, which pleased the givers. Hubby and son reverted to childhood with the burp guns I gave them; another ambush was just staged! We had (by vote) a traditional dinner of roast turkey, dressing, gravy, cranberry sauce, broccoli casserole, and fruit salad. Too full for dessert!
It won't be much longer, I think, until our kids have moved away and/or married; so one of the things I was thankful for is that we still had them both, yesterday. And yet--I'll also be thankful when/if they do those things, because that will mean they're successful.