I like the coke cola ad--in US it was "coke brings things to life!"
in china it was first translated as "coke restore your dead ancestors to life" not exactly the image they wanted to portray.

but sometimes marketers get it right. Foster's (Aussie) beer has had some great commercials in US, (the intro is "How to speak" accompanied by a visual--a large, sizzling steak on platter, it's then garnished with a sprig of parsley. the unseen announcers states "salad". there are lots of them, all in similar vein. (busy saloon, many drinkers, one, on far end bar throws a boomerang, the guy it hits reaches up and switches the channel on the TV to a soccer game. Unseen announcer "remote") tag line is all is Fosters--Australian for beer. It a good campaign, since i don't even like beer and i remember them!