In reply to:

The plural would be Australopitheci.

OK, OK. Now how do you pronounce 'Australopitheci'?

Thanks for the spelling correction, Faldage. I was doing this by memory with nothing in front of me--and I'm pretty amazed that I recalled as much as I did.

And, wwh, as for not referring to Australopithecus in the plural, I differ with your opinion here simply because there were several species associated with the genus Australopithecus--according to my trusty N'tl Geo chart that I've carried to school to fascinate my students. Therefore, if one were referring to the several varying species of the the Australopithecus group, wouldn't one refer to the Australopitheci Faldage has given us here?

And I really would like to know how to pronounce those A'pitheci.

Faldage, I promise I will carry the chart to NY in November.